Thursday 15 October 2015

Vinca drink

Hooray I managed to find some vincas on the half price table at Kings. They are Gertrude Jekyll ones and have white flowers. She was a famous gardener.

Also, another snow-in-summer, paper daisies, flowering tobacco, asters, and..scabiosas.
They all went in where I could find room.

Mum tried to cook my flowers again. I told her the spinach is down the back and in the troughs by the patio but she took the ones in the poppy bed and they are NOT spinach. You'd think she'd learn? She took one taste and again it was salt overload.

Anyway. I was busy gardening when I saw what I suspected was two JWs walk past my house. I can usually tell, they have something earnest about them and try to draw you into conversation. Also they usually wear black skirts, or some kind of corporate attire that shows they mean business. And they come in pairs, usually women. It's the mormons that are young men out of their teens.

They said hello to me as I was crouching down watering my plants. I said hello back. They were staring at me. Gardening time is it? one said.
Yes. I don't make eye contact as I'm busy watering. I then pick up my pots and head for the backyard. I know if I stay there any longer they will try to protelyse. I don't feel like a long drawn out conversation about God and what the JWs believe.

Oh no. I was rude to JWs. They were just admiring my garden and trying to be christian. I should have told them the gospel and prayed with them. I'm sorry.

Before that I noticed the chickens had crossed the road and gone to the other side. I told mum who went and got them back. I think their wings are growing and one day they will fly the coop.

Well I better get back and finish my watering job before I got rudely interrupted. Those vincas might be thirsty.