Sunday 29 May 2016

mug shot #4 Frangipani

I tell you photography is not my strong point but I just wanted to show you my frangipani which, if you had been reading when I started this blog had a lot of drama but I think she's worth the price I paid to obtain her.

Frangipani also known as Plumeria is one of those plants that has buds on the terminal axis (ends) which is wonderfully perfumed and has become synonymous with the Pacific Islands as the flower to wear behind your ear to show you are taken! Along with hibiscus, however hibiscus is not as highly perfumed. Frangipani blooms do come in  other colours but the white is the most fragrant.

This plant requires a sunny sheltered spot and will lose its leaves when it gets cold but don't be alarmed they will unfurl again in spring. I have her in a pot as she doesn't like to be waterlogged, and I can move her around to shelter if it gets frosty. You can take cuttings although I haven't tried, its certainly cheaper than buying plants at the shop, good sized ones can set you back $130.
As you can see she's got companions including strawberries, bromeliad, fuchsia, and passionfruit.