Saturday 24 April 2021

Gardening tales

 Went down for a walk in the Woodside garden, I laid the bait for mum - kumara leaves. So we went and picked some, as well as some chillies and a load of lavender.  My secret plants are showing shoots and the radishes have swollen.

Karyn and I are still chatting on Garden Planet. She has started her own show Korero with Karyn and it's on once a month before Garden Planet. I think Karyn is a natural and very easy conversationalist, while I am not so much. We've picked out our topics for the coming month, mine is on paper and Karyn's is on photosynthesis. 

I didn't know how some people could get such a buzz out of chemistry and mathematics, but they do. For me, looking at patterns and straight lines and things sometimes just makes my head hurt. I'm always the one breaking out of the box. I don't understand how people think sometimes when they miss the obvious because they always want things square shaped or linear. 

For example, remember crop circles? These patterns appeared in fields of wheat in England, and people really thought they were caused by aliens! How could plants be flattened in circles when farmers had grown them in dead straight lines?!  

So silly. 

I'm sure the plants can grow anywhere they really bloody well please if they want and nobody would think they were wrong for doing so. It's only silly humans who want them to grow in grids and lines so they can control them. 

I finally had enough of Facebook NZ Backyard Gardeners constant moaning of 'how do I get rid of x' that I just up and left the group. The last straw was when someone wrote 'how do I get rid of chives and mint?' My last comment was 'eat them'. 

 Life is too short to think of complete annihilation all the time. 

We had our Garden Club meeting. I manned a new books table where club members can get 20% off gardening books at PaperPlus Henderson. I felt like a real sales rep at that point. 

Here is one of the winners of the Best Bloom table. Barbara's lovely Dahlia. It's a showstopper this one.