Saturday 9 January 2021

The odds


First time apricots...and a lone Japanese Iris.

I went through all my plant tags and labels and counted all the ones planted that are still living today, of 165 plants, 88 still live to tell the tale -- that means in my garden a 53% success rate. Or just over half. Ok I am heartened that at least the odds are in my favour and over half the plants are surviving that I planted in the last five years.

But then how to account for losses?? I can't take them back to Mitre 10 or wherever and say please refund me it didn't grow. But I do know not to try again with those plants. I suppose you can't win them all. 

My beans are starting to sprout but seems my buttercups are still taking their sweet time. Mum rescued an anonymous plant from Leyton's place that he'd dumped in the compost, and I could not identify it - maybe it's a weed? She's also got this expensive chinese herb worth thousands of dollars on the black market, so she says, in pots and trays that is ready to be planted out but I'm afraid it may die wherever I plant it as I don't know what it is. She also found some sage/salvia, which is a quite easy plant to grow and transplant but I wasn't too sure about this herb. 

Let's just say even I don't trust my gardening skills if 46% of plants die under my care. If I am like this with plants, which don't even go anywhere, how would I be with children??