Friday, 12 June 2020

I would like it done yesterday

I am just about to head off to work again at my new job at PaperPlus bookshop. Sorry no free garden labour is available at present.

My manuka mulch is doing very well and Martha has stayed off my veges!

Magnolia is blooming so Dad papped them and here they are.

What would I like done yesterday...? Well nothing as I did my gardening several months ago during lockdown but now am back at work because I hadn't by circumstances been able to DO anything now the bosses seems to be blaming me for all the things that they wanted done yesterday. Which we could not do anyway because nobody was open. But that's bosses for you. I don't know whether you can get ahead by as people say 'sucking up' to them and it's not a nice image anyway but I haven't really thought that I should be nice to my bosses at all which is probably why I am still earning minimum wage. Maybe the ones that 'get ahead' use bribes? I don't know.

All I know is if I bring flowers and chocolates to work rumours will start going round, so I thought maybe just leave off the charm and do my work helping the customers I will be able to go home in one piece with my dignity and pay packet. So magnolia flowers you are staying on the tree for now.