Tuesday 17 September 2024

Spring Forth

 Time goes by. I had a very dark seasonal depression but now spring is here. I only want to think on things lovely (love keeps no record of wrongs) and so spring flowers come forth again like they do every year even with the unseasonal weather. Yet it keeps creeping in regardless. 

And so holding forth on climate change...I am really just not used to drastic change and fear I won't be able to adapt. I loved gardening but I felt like I'd neglected everything. I don't understand what's happened maybe I miss the chickens and Mummy Cat although Dusty enjoys the garden...something inside me has not adjusted, whether it's the moon cycles or being all out of sync. Living without a car has also been a bit of a shock. I guess it's the lack of mobility, that I should have appreciated having two legs and not be rooted like plants are. However I have craved stability all my life and thought I had it in the garden. 

Now the neighbours down the back have moved out and the trees (and privet) have been cleared, while my other neighbours are now growing in vege pods.

We had a planting day on our side of the reserve though I was quite dismayed at all the weeds sprung up and unable to do much about them. To say we were unaffected by the floods I don't know we may not have had our house flooded but all of Auckland is has now become very damp. New housing is going up everywhere. All I know is without air  or movement in the soil or wetlands to capture excess moisture everything is kind of in flux. Aren't gardens all about change anyway?

So what made me the expert. I am not the expert. I've just had a very bad year of not feeling garden vibes and really want to get back into the swing of things, though change all around me is inevitable. I had just learned that leaky homes are because of not just untreated timber but because the pines that were harvested for timber back then were too young saplings and their wood was too soft. So I wondered if there was some kind of Gardening/Harvesting Standards Code as well that everyone is ignoring.  With all the pine forest and mills closing due to high electricity prices I can't help but wonder about the impact of all the tree felling has had on the land. Yes let the light in, and yes NZ needs to export its logs somewhere and for sure trees and cars and roads don't mix well but I thought with all this mud and clay the new homes would surely be built out of earth instead of timber and not leak so much. But then what do I really know about houses or land. Why do I pontificate as if I could be in charge of the planet?  Now I feel like I haven't been because I've just been out of touch with the garden.  I have been rambling on about *my* Eden but need to get back in touch or grafted in somewhere. 

I want to live again not feel out of sorts though everyone seems to be starting over. And so it is. Plants are a lot more resilient than given credit for and I do wish my green thumbs would return...why am I not feeling it, all I know all of creation is groaning for redemption. So I am writing this to remind myself not to give up!  For God made everything beautiful in it's time and spring is a reminder that the lilies of the field do not toil or spin, yet He has clothed us far richer than Solomon.