Sunday, 10 September 2023

Beating the Winter Blues

Light bulbs

Early Spring has arrived with the tulips lighting up the driveway- red for stop and look at me, amber for slow dow - though there are no green tulips for GO - more and more flowers are appearing every day. Waking up from the winter slumber with chilly mornings hasn't been easy, especially in the valley in an uncarpeted, non-heat pumped home, but we survived. Or nearly all, mum was a bit touch and go and had a bout in the Wainamu Ward where at least it was warm and Daisy the cat was there.

My car battery died, but it got replaced, though I still haven't been able to get down to Woodside since its a bit of a trek in mud and cold to pick winter veges. Of which we have barely any in my garden since dad said no to any more garden space taking up room on the lawn. At most a sprinkling of chives but even parsley has struggled. The tangelos were sour this year, so I chucked them into the ball pit which was the bottom of the garden. I am planning on turning the compost down there to empty the bins and then level it. 

Brother Leyton arrived with brand-spanking new Stihl hedge trimmer, and left buxus trimmings all over the lawn on the weekend, though now our hedges are back to their lego-brick shape.

Early spring has meant I've been able to pull together a posy with mostly hellebores, forget me nots, camellias, grape muscari and freesias. No daffodils yet - all the narcissi have been eaten by slimy caterpillars now we no longer have a chicken. I've also had to oat mulch other bulbs to protect them from slugs. GardenPost had a $1 lily bulb sale so I'm waiting on more to add to the garden, my previous parcel is now sprouting in their pots.

The kaffir lime tree leaves turned yellow, a decidley un-lime colour! Even after feeding it sequestron, so am thinking it's too cold to absorb much nutrients at the moment. 

Good news though, the return of the Big G to New GardenLand means I have an extra helper and it will be the only time I have her for at least ten days in the garden and get to be the boss instead of the other way round. She'll boss me around in all other areas except the garden haha. 

Loretta and I went to another weekend art workshop where we poured acrylics on canvas to make flower paintings. Though nothing compares to the real thing. Roll on spring!