Sunday, 5 February 2023



Hooray the snails didn't totally munch my hippeastrums. Again mum had something to criticise, they were now too tall. I don't think she particularly likes any plant that grows upward. 

 I didn't care and she came with me to Kings Plant Barn anyway. She said she wasn't interested in plants because she wasn't going to be around to see them grow but then I thought does that mean I can plant what *I* like in the garden unless she does this vicious mother-daughter thing in which when she dies, I die too? Like those mummy cats that got buried with their owners because when their owners died and they couldn't bear leaving them alone in the afterlife. Or those widows who throw themselves onto the funeral pyre to show their love for their dead husbands. Suttee I think they call it. Otherwise what life can they face alone? I am not married to my mother though, it sure feels like I'm in some kind of weird bondage all my life like I can never get away. 

 Both Kings and Mitre 10 don't have Lady's Mantle so I will have to go further afield. It's a weed supressor which is better than putting cardboard over everything.  Or Roundup. 

I can't believe it's still being sold at Mitre 10. When it's been banned in all other countries, or at least restricted. But no you can just buy any amount you please, spray it over everything, even at school, in bare feet and no protective gear and nobody will bat an eye. And if you die of cancer nobody seems to link it with all those poisonous chemicals you've mixed up in your own backyard, and artificial fertilisers and pesticides made from the remnants of World War 2 weaponry. Agent Orange, Napalm, whatever. 

When you see the telltale browned off ring of Roundup spray ringing trees and edges of turf it's not the prettiest sight to see. But who cares the weeds are dead right? Plus if you get buried in a lawn cemetery they'll use it there too. As nobody bothers to look after any 'garden' at a cemetery anymore. You might as well be buried in the middle of a motorway and have cars race all over your dead body. That way no weeds, flowers or anything else will ever grow. 

I am not sure how this is how I want to be remembered (have a street named after me, or a city, or a town) but it just seems a weird thing we have poppies for fallen soldiers but don't really do much flowers for anyone else.  I tried to think what flowers my mum would like but she just said I had too many and the only one she really likes is that wild jasmine and ginger that grows like a weed in the forest and the City Council has actually banned.