Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Year of the Bunny Rabbits

 Gong Hei Fat Choi! 

Happy Chinese New Year...will this be the year, that my garden will be over run by rabbits? Not likely, it seems we are pet-free at the moment. Cousin Winnie, on the other hand, has two who have a house all to themselves. Bun and Jammy. And she's growing weeds for them, while cutting and removing all flowers because of her allergies. Burma the elephant at Auckland zoo will be the lucky recipient of feijoa and banana leaves, she's got a huge taro patch the previous tenants had left her, and many gardenia and hibiscus bushes. 

She has offered me the begonias that have sprouted by the path, all the astromerias (pink and white), hibiscus, and any other plant in her backyard. So I may not need to go to Rogers at all. Although I still need some more lady's mantle as I'm hoping to make a border of perennial edging - the rabbits can have all the applemint. Swap? They eat dandelions too.

Am a little envious she's got a huge backyard to play in while I am somewhat restricted in mine, because of Dad's weather station. I could never have a banana and taro plantation like she does. Although I possibly could expand out the back to the reserve where the council cannot mow as it's too muddy/swampy.

Otherwise I haven't too much plans to make - I really need a moon calendar for this year but can't find one. I need the round one that tells you what to do each month and you can set it up so you know exactly what day the moon phase is going to be. 

So when I get that I can make a start but otherwise it's just enjoying whatever the weather has been throwing us lately. Mum managed to find a blue gallon tank and set it up by the garage and it is now full of rainwater. 

Vincent is proud of all the hippeastrums that I hinted he buy for his place in Epsom and they are gracing the front entrance. I have two coming up in bud in a pot and just have to make sure they aren't totally being munched by snails.

Blue Plumbago is looking spectacular. Otherwise dad has been taking pics of the apples that he's got his eye on. I didn't think he'd be interested in the fruits of my labour but surprise, he now is, despite never ever eating any since he was kicked out of home for not wanting to help his parents with their fruit shop. I guess this is why we live way out west and not in Mt Eden where they lived above a fruit shop in Dominion Road. But funnily enough there is something always drawing me back there. I guess Maungawhau really is my maunga, and  Riverpark Crescent is my awa. Though I have no idea where my whenua is. Mum possibly chucked it away at  Waitakere Hospital. Or maybe it's at St Helens. Who knows? 

Vincent's hippeastrums

Growing apples...