I'm lying low.
I nearly caught the end of the cold and flu season at school but somehow I made it through - the flu shot worked after all! But since it's too cold to go out much I have just been resting at home, not even doing much gardening.
I have come to dislike people making demands on my time saying we must do this and do that and go out. It's winter people, do we HAVE to meet up every week just for the sake of it. Do we even HAVE to work? Would the world come to an end if we just took a break? The plants do.
I have heard of gardeners who try to make a jump on spring and get all their seedlings ready and started and growing only to be killed by a snap frost. Or a storm blows that newly planted hedge down. Or hail devastates an entire freshly planted crop.
This means more reading time for me.
The gardening section of my library has been growing. My last book I read was 'The orchid thief' by Susan Orlean. Apparently made into a movie starring Meryl Streep and Nicolas Cage, I was drawn into an underworld of plant crime (or rather a swamp in Florida) with orchid obsessives. I am happy to state I am not addicted to any plant that I would go to great lengths to obtain, and break the law for, but sadly, not many in New Zealand can say that about cannabis. The mail came yesterday asking a referendum for two things - ending one's life, and legalising cannabis.
Decisions decisions. Can't they be combined into one law that says if you want to end your life by taking cannabis, you can be deported to Australia?