Friday 25 June 2021

700 new plants at Riverpark!

 Here's the list that we planted last Saturday. It was a good turnout, though I couldn't stay for bbq lunch as I had to get to the bookshop. But am so happy we made a start on the revitalising of Riverpark.

We planted all along the boundary of the reserve toward the creek area. The next stage of planting will be more on our side, which David has already been planting with kowhai, kakabeak, manuka and whau. The weather turned out fine for our planting day and we hope that in a few years time our birds will be making their new homes there.

100 Leptospermum scoparium - Manuka

50 Pittosporum crassifolium -Karo

7 Pittosporum eugenioides -Lemonwood or Tarata

5 Vitex lucens - Puriri

5 Alectryon excelsus - Titoki

5 Dysoxylum spectabile - Kohekohe

7 corynocarpus laevigatus -Karaka

5 P. totara -Totara


100 Phormium tenax -Flax

50 Rhopalostylis sapida -Nikau

100 Coprosma robusta -Karamu

20 coprosma repens - Taupata

50 Myrsine australis - Red Matipo

20 Kunzea ericoides -Kanuka

25 Pseudopanax crassifolius - Lancewood or Horoeka

50 Cordyline australis - Cabbage Tree

101 Macropiper excelsum - Kawakawa

700 Total!